Monday, May 25, 2015


 AVAILABLE SOON..................



by: Rodney Kawecki


       Rodney Kawecki was born in the United States ventured into the studies of advance physics for the shear purpose to study physics with an open mind. Reading from  “The Special Theory of Relativity” Einstein translates for his advance physics doctrine an imaginary space ship of light from which he states ” I wonder what it would be like if I could ride on top of a beam of light " to explain his ideas. His doctori opened physics into the field of science fiction. The idea now according to Rod Kawecki is to try and re-define the barriers he published as a serious study for modern physics from science fiction back again into a serious fiction literature.


    What modern physics refuses to include in the known theories is how imitate of an expanding universe might include a future end for it. In all likelihood subjects look at modern physics from the point and view of a big bang event that started the universe in the first three minutes studying deploys and likelihood of any end.  In 1998 a seven point four earthquake erupted southern California showing over thirty thousand people driving away from it never to return. It showed on the media news people driving over the Bakersfield north bound freeway pass cars bundled traveling out of Los Angeles. There were also those whom never saw the news casting broadcast so never decided on their own or amongst themselves during the crisis whether leaving California might be a good option so most never left the city.


     The study of modern physics is to be conscious and well rehearsed about what your studying addressing the fundamental ideas of the subject. The future of planetary studying also includes the future reference frame of its technology and its affects pointing or predictions in the future.  As a species and with the new technologies available today it is not just making predictions about what might or might not happen in earths future cosmogony it also should include to which lengths the predictions are heading that we should inquire what might be prepared. It is Rod Kawecki’s belief when the media changes in earth’s future technology and information at the cosmogony level will heighten to a scale which traffic jams traveling to colony’s across the solar system might be a great invitation for its future.  In any study in any event of the present technology over time having decay it might be important to prepare a means to escape. It might just change the whole world – as we know it.  Scientist believe that we have reached the half-life mark of the universe’s end I think its important the direction life is taking us that a super planetary power is recognized.


     Using this imaginary ship made of light Einstein tries to explain how all mass deities are physically related to energy as a form of communication and light quanta’ vibrations and packet waves that can be used to send messages across great distances through an empty equilibrium space field element or even as a clouded gravity energy field or even to the moon for that matter – he proposes that LIGHT and the speed of the message stays the same it doesn’t change conserved by its own quantity and nature - reality or mass on the other hand well - isn’t  conformed to these same rules or speed limit because it doesn’t travel due to any pre-set velocity.




     What are we talking about when we speak about modern physics? It is the study and mathematical deciphering the mechanics the universe as we call it works. The way it theoretically originated and possibility the manner to which it might end.  What modern physics leaves out from the equation about the universe is its finale end. In this book I try and bring all these questions about our universe to a head you might say how it began and the future and manner through our journey of the cosmos.


     Not known in other literature our universe extends as a circle with an inflating flow of pressure. What this pressure exist of or its origin is still unknown to the scientific community.  Some call it dark energy but in any case this bubble as some call it – extends outwards filled with some liquid type element of some sort. Most scientists believe after Erwin Hubble discovered that the universe was physically expanding all matter or life in the cosmos exist inside this round dome shape balloon. According to Albert Einstein in 1905 it was his analogy that all planetary matter which includes galactic islands exist orbiting on a flatland surface. Its hard to calculate that if matter resides inside this bubble sphere that its surface lays on the inside of it. In such a definition all planetary matter resides orbiting upside down as it clings to the surfaced flatland from the inside.


     In 2015 Rodney Kawecki went further into the research about the Hubble Bubble Theory and decided that all planetary matter galactic origin since everything of debris is made in galactic realms that if the universe resides settled on the surface of this so called bubble surface we must reside on its outer surface not its inside curvature. In any degree String illustrates space curvature in ways that space curvature is as well curved in a manner simultaneous to its outer surface. In this manner of origin of the universe and core surface observed by the outside surface the bubble itself is filled with some alien element yet to be detected. But when we concentrate on the factual basis that we are confronted with an inflationary fill of an expanding bubble comoving and pushing galaxies scattering them apart from each other at speeds faster than light we have to observe the comoving activity at the final balloon surface edge of the fabric.  Since the galaxies lay outside the bubble surface alignment in a shaped axis or curvature of the flatland surface edge as a whole we observe galaxies scattered by extreme momentum as the bubble inflates is what makes the galaxies spread apart on its curved surface.  As the bubble continues to inflate it is not the matter that is being attracted towards the balloon surface but the inflation of the bubble that holds the galaxies in a curved position of its shaped axis or shaped curved surface edge matter sinks into the bubble outside space curvature because of the dense pushing force of the inflating bubble.


     We look at all this new information about our expanding universe expanding planetary and galactic matter spheres and debris it is all expanding at a specific rate of velocity.  Towards the center of the bubble’s mass more deeper inside it the dense area seeable three dimensional mass resides the most dense space area mass where outwards to the bubbles fabric end where the galaxies lay outside its origin it is the filling bubble energy debris is what holds the universe final future hours. What will happen to universe debris after the bubble ceases to inflate, stretch into a ripping of the fabric, explode, implode or shrink are the universe’s final questionnaire of what it might shape into if such events would to occur.


     Professor Rodney Kawecki’s unique views in this book and others published by him could result and change the way physicists imagine the origin of the universe in the future.


The Theories about time and time travel thought relevant
     Backwards, forwards and traveling with a stuck clock second hand – is any of this possible? Has anyone from some other foreign star ever visited our planet earth?  The Alien Species black, white, brown, yellowish, tan and red are all part of a spectrum but does that make it all true?  Einstein’s cosmological inside the bubble theory verse Rodney Kawecki’s outside the bubble theory matter creates pushes against the fabric upside down. On the other hand, Kawecki’s Bubble they are physically laid with no real force therefore the universe is at rest.
    Time travel is the concept of moving between different points in a timely manner analogous to moving between different points in space.
   Time travel could hypothetically involves moving backward in time to a moment earlier than the starting point, or forward to the future of that point without the need for the traveler to experience the intervening period (at least not at the normal rate). Any technological device – whether fictional, hypothetical or actual – that would be used to achieve time travel is commonly known as a time machine.
     Space-time is a structural model of the universe that follows Einstein's theories of special and general relativity. Though modern physics tells us that there could be as many as 10 or 11 different dimensions, under normal circumstances, humans are able to observe four dimensions. We experience three dimensions (height, width and depth) actively, meaning we can navigate them, and one dimension (time) passively, meaning we can detect and observe it, but we can't control how we move through it.
    There are essentially two types of proposed time travel that one could imagine. The first is to reverse course so that the time traveler may re-experience time that has already happened. The second is to slow the time traveler's relative experience of time, essentially allowing him or her to travel into the future. According to what we know about special relativity, progressive time travel is a much more feasible possibility than the regressive time travel. Special relativity tells us that your experience of time slows down as your velocity approaches the speed of light. Given this knowledge, all that it would really take to carry an astronaut to the future is an extremely fast space vehicle.
     Light does not prorogate time. It doesn’t change the illusion it only radiates its presence. Light on light off and you’re on your way – so Einstein would say. But I think it takes a lot more than duplicating a light mass and velocity to change time and that’s what you have to do – change time itself. Is that possible? Light seems only to be the hindsight of the attraction at both ends of a journey through the fourth dimension – if a fourth dimension actually exist at all.
Forward time travel
     There is no widespread agreement as to which written work should be recognized as the latest example of a time travel story, since a number of early works feature elements ambiguously suggestive of time travel. Ancient folk tales and myths sometimes involved something akin to travelling forward in time; for example, in Hindu mythology, the Mahabharata mentions the story of the King Raivata Kakudmi,  travels to heaven to meet the creator Brahma and is shocked to learn that many ages have passed when he returns to Earth.
     The Buddhist Pali Canons also mention time moving at different pace, in the Payasi Sutta, one of Buddha's chief disciples Kumara Kassapa explains to the skeptic Payasi that "In the Heaven of the Thirty Three Devas, time passes at a different pace, and people live much longer. In the period of our century, one hundred years, only a single day, twenty four hours would have passed for them".
     In Islam there is some reference of time travel. The Quran tells about several individuals who go to sleep in a cave only to wake up after 309 years. There is also a reference about time variation where it states "one day for God (Allah) is one thousand years of what you (human beings) count".
     Another one of the earliest known stories to involve traveling forward in time to a distant future was the Japanese tale of "Urashima Taro", first described in the Nihongi (720). It was about a young fisherman named Urashima Taro who visits an undersea palace and stays there for three days. After returning home to his village, he finds himself 300 years in the future, when he is long forgotten, his house in ruins, and his family long dead. Another very old example of this type of story can be found in the Talmud with the story of Honi HaM'agel who went to sleep for 70 years and woke up to a world where his grandchildren were grandparents and where all his friends and family were dead.
 Statue of Rip Van Winkle in Irvington, New York
     More recently, Washington Irving's 1819 story "Rip Van Winkle" tells of a man named Rip Van Winkle who takes a nap on a mountain and wakes up 20 years in the future, when he has been forgotten, his wife dead, and his daughter grown up. Sleep was also used for time travel in Faddey Bulgarin's story "Pravdopodobnie Nebylitsi" in which the protagonist wakes up in the 29th century.
     A more recent story involving travel to the future is Louis-Sébastien Mercier's L'An 2440, rêve s'il en fût jamais ("The Year 2440: A Dream If Ever There Were One"), a utopian novel in which the main character is transported to the year 2440. An extremely popular work (it went through 25 editions after its first appearance in 1771), it describes the adventures of an unnamed man who, after engaging in a heated discussion with a philosopher friend about the injustices of Paris, falls asleep and finds himself in a Paris of the future. Robert Darnton writes that "despite its self-proclaimed character of fantasy...L'An 2440 demanded to be read as a serious guidebook to the future."
Backward time travel
     Backwards time travel seems to be a more modern idea, but its origin is also somewhat ambiguous. One early story with hints of backwards time travel is Memoirs of the Twentieth Century (1733) by Samuel Madden, which is mainly a series of letters from British ambassadors in various countries to the British Lord High Treasurer, along with a few replies from the British Foreign Office, all purportedly written in 1997 and 1998 and describing the conditions of that era. However, the framing story is that these letters were actual documents given to the narrator by his guardian angel one night in 1728; for this reason, Paul Alkon suggests in his book Origins of Futuristic Fiction that "the first time-traveler in English literature is a guardian angel who returns with state documents from 1998 to the year 1728", although the book does not explicitly show how the angel obtained these documents. Alkon later qualifies this by writing, "It would be stretching our generosity to praise Madden for being the first to show a traveler arriving from the future", but also says that Madden "deserves recognition as the first to toy with the rich idea of time-travel in the form of an artifact sent backwards from the future to be discovered in the present."
 Mr. and Mrs. Fezziwig dance in a vision the Ghost of Christmas Past shows Scrooge.
     In 1836 Alexander Veltman published Predki Kalimerosa: Aleksandr Filippovich Makedonskii (The Forebears of Kalimeros: Alexander, son of Philip of Macedon), which has been called the first original Russian science fiction novel and the first novel to use time travel. In it the narrator rides to ancient Greece on a hippogriff, meets Aristotle, and goes on a voyage with Alexander the Great before returning to the 19th century.
     In the science fiction anthology Far Boundaries (1951), the editor August Derleth identifies the short story "Missing One's Coach: An Anachronism", written for the Dublin Literary Magazine by an anonymous author in 1838, as a very early time travel story. In this story, the narrator is waiting under a tree to be picked up by a coach which will take him out of Newcastle, when he suddenly finds himself transported back over a thousand years. He encounters the Venerable Bede in a monastery, and gives him somewhat ironic explanations of the developments of the coming centuries. However, the story never makes it clear whether these events actually occurred or were merely a dream—the narrator says that when he initially found a comfortable-looking spot in the roots of the tree, he sat down, "and as my skeptical reader will tell me, nodded and slept", but then says that he is "resolved not to admit" this explanation.
     A number of dreamlike elements of the story may suggest otherwise to the reader, such as the fact that none of the members of the monastery seem to be able to see him at first, and the abrupt ending in which Bede has been delayed talking to the narrator and so the other monks burst in thinking that some harm has come to him, and suddenly the narrator finds himself back under the tree in the present (August 1837), with his coach having just passed his spot on the road, leaving him stranded in Newcastle for another night.
      Charles Dickens' 1843 book A Christmas Carol is considered by some to be one of the first depictions of time travel in both directions, as the main character, Ebenezer Scrooge, is transported to Christmases past, present and yet to come. These might be considered mere visions rather than actual time travel, though, since Scrooge only viewed each time period passively, unable to interact with them.
     A clearer example of backwards time travel is found in the popular 1861 book Paris avant les hommes (Paris before Men) by the French botanist and geologist Pierre Boitard, published posthumously. In this story the main character is transported into the prehistoric past by the magic of a "lame demon" (a French pun on Boitard's name), where he encounters such extinct animals as a Plesiosaur, as well as Boitard's imagined version of an apelike human ancestor, and is able to actively interact with some of them.
     Another backwards time travel in fiction is the short story "The Clock That Went Backward" by Edward Page Mitchell, which appeared in the New York Sun in 1881.
     Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1889), in which the protagonist finds himself in the time of King Arthur after a fight in which he is hit with a sledge hammer, was another early time travel story which helped bring the concept to a wide audience, and was also one of the first stories to show history being changed by the time traveler's actions.
     The first time travel story to feature time travel by means of a time machine was Enrique Gaspar y Rimbau's 1887 book El Anacronópete. This idea gained popularity with the H. G. Wells story The Time Machine, published in 1895 (preceded by a less influential story of time travel Wells wrote in 1888, titled "The Chronic Argonauts"), which also featured a time machine and which is often seen as an inspiration for all later science fiction stories featuring time travel using a vehicle that allows an operator to travel purposefully and selectively. The term "time machine", coined by Wells, is now universally used to refer to such a vehicle.
    Since that time, both science and fiction have expanded on the concept of time travel.
     Some theories, most notably special and general relativity, suggest that suitable geometries of space-time, or specific types of motion in space, might allow time travel into the past and future if these geometries or motions are possible. In technical papers, physicists generally avoid the commonplace language of "moving" or "traveling" through time ("movement" normally refers only to a change in spatial position as the time coordinate is varied), and instead discuss the possibility of closed time like curves, which are world lines that form closed loops in space-time, allowing objects to return to their own past. There are known to be solutions to the equations of general relativity that describe space times which contain closed time like curves (such as Gödel space-time), but the physical plausibility of these solutions is uncertain.
    Relativity predicts that if one were to move away from the Earth at relativistic velocities and return, more time would have passed on Earth than for the traveler, so in this sense it is accepted that relativity allows "travel into the future" (according to relativity there is no single objective answer to how much time has really passed between the departure and the return, but there is an objective answer to how much proper time has been experienced by both the Earth and the traveler, how much each has aged. On the other hand, many in the scientific community believe that backwards time travel is highly unlikely. Any theory that would allow time travel would introduce potential problems of causality. The classic example of a problem involving causality is the "grandfather paradox": what if one were to go back in time and kill one's own grandfather before one's father was conceived? But some scientists believe that paradoxes can be avoided, by appealing either to the Novikov self-consistency principle or to the notion of branching parallel universes.
Tourism in time
     Stephen Hawking has suggested that the absence of tourists from the future is an argument against the existence of time travel—a variant of the Fermi paradox. Of course this would not prove that time travel is physically impossible, since it might be that time travel is physically possible but that it is never developed (or is cautiously never used); and even if it is developed, Hawking notes elsewhere that time travel might only be possible in a region of space-time that is warped in the correct way, and that if we cannot create such a region until the future, then time travelers would not be able to travel back before that date, so "This picture would explain why we haven't been overrun  by tourists from the future." This simply means until we reach the point that a time machine is really invented, we will not be able to see time travelers. Carl Sagan also once suggested the possibility that time travelers could be here, but are disguising their existence or are not recognized as time travelers. It is because bringing unintentional changes in time-space continuum can bring about undesired outcomes to those travelers. It can also alter established past events.
General relativity
    However, the theory of general relativity does suggest a scientific basis for the possibility of backwards time travel in certain unusual scenarios, although arguments from semi classical gravity suggest that when quantum effects are incorporated into general relativity, these loopholes may be closed. These semi classical arguments led Hawking to formulate the chronology protection conjecture, suggesting that the fundamental laws of nature prevent time travel, but physicists cannot come to a definite judgment on the issue without a theory of quantum gravity to join quantum mechanics and general relativity into a completely unified theory.
    Other approaches can be based on the idea that time travel is possibly if a ship retained the velocity to travel at a rate of speed that allows it to enter a dimension faster than time itself. In Einstein’s ideas on this he proposes that at light speed the comparison of earth’s motion and the velocity of light allow a ship to travel into the future because it travels at a rate where the planets motion slows down. In Quanta Physics we are not talking about a planets motion slowing down time but a rate of speed so extreme that time breaks down into units beyond itself.  In Quanta Physics Kawecki speaks about “Instantaneous Time travel” a rate of velocity that since the universe acts as a single unit possibly broken down into galactic realms that may dictate a galactic clock coordinates all the planetary bodies are connected. Si if you wanted to time travel you would have to journey at a velocity where time actually doesn’t exist at all – a velocity where a positive forwards velocity changes into a negative time coordinates.
     Another approach involves a dense spinning cylinder usually referred to as a Tipler cylinder, a GR solution discovered by Willem Jacob van Stockum in 1936 and Kornel Lanczos in 1924, but not recognized as allowing closed time like curves until an analysis by Frank Tipler in 1974. If a cylinder is infinitely long and spins fast enough about its long axis, then a spaceship flying around the cylinder on a spiral path could travel back in time (or forward, depending on the direction of its spiral). However, the density and speed required is so great that ordinary matter is not strong enough to construct it. A similar device might be built from a cosmic string, but none are known to exist, and it does not seem to be possible to create a new cosmic string.
     Physicist Robert Forward noted that a naïve application of general relativity to quantum mechanics suggests another way to build a time machine. A heavy atomic nucleus in a strong magnetic field would elongate into a cylinder, whose density and "spin" are enough to build a time machine. Gamma rays projected at it might allow information (not matter) to be sent back in time; however, he pointed out that until we have a single theory combining relativity and quantum mechanics, we will have no idea whether such speculations are nonsense.
     A more fundamental objection to time travel schemes based on rotating cylinders or cosmic strings has been put forward by Stephen Hawking, who proved a theorem showing that according to general relativity it is impossible to build a time machine of a special type (a "time machine with the compactly generated Cauchy horizon") in a region where the weak energy condition is satisfied, meaning that the region contains no matter with negative energy density (exotic matter). Solutions such as Tipler's assume cylinders of infinite length, which are easier to analyze mathematically, and although Tipler suggested that a finite cylinder might produce closed time like curves if the rotation rate were fast enough, he did not prove this. But Hawking points out that because of his theorem, "it can't be done with positive energy density everywhere! I can prove that to build a finite time machine, you need negative energy." This result comes from Hawking's 1992 paper on the chronology protection conjecture, where he examines "the case that the causality violations appear in a finite region of space-time without curvature singularities" and proves that "there will be a Cauchy horizon that is compactly generated and that in general contains one or more closed null geodesics which will be incomplete. One can define geometrical quantities that measure the Lorentz boost and area increase ongoing round these closed null geodesics. If the causality violation developed from a noncom pact initial surface, the averaged weak energy condition must be violated on the Cauchy horizon." However, this theorem does not rule out the possibility of time travel 1) by means of time machines with the non-compactly generated Cauchy horizons (such as the Deutsch-Politzer time machine) and 2) in regions which contain exotic matter (which would be necessary for traversable wormholes or the Alcubierre drive). Because the theorem is based on general relativity, it is also conceivable a future theory of quantum gravity which replaced general relativity would allow time travel even without exotic matter (though it is also possible such a theory would place even more restrictions on time travel, or rule it out completely as postulated by Hawkins’s chronology protection conjecture).
Experiments carried out
    Certain experiments carried out give the impression of reversed causality but are subject to interpretation. For example, in the delayed choice quantum eraser experiment performed by Marlan Scully, pairs of entangled photons are divided into "signal photons" and "idler photons", with the signal photons emerging from one of two locations and their position later measured as in the double-slit experiment, and depending on how the idler photon is measured, the experimenter can either learn which of the two locations the signal photon emerged from or "erase" that information. Even though the signal photons can be measured before the choice has been made about the idler photons, the choice seems to retroactively determine whether or not an interference pattern is observed when one correlates measurements of idler photons to the corresponding signal photons. However, since interference can only be observed after the idler photons are measured and they are correlated with the signal photons, there is no way for experimenters to tell what choice will be made in advance just by looking at the signal photons, and under most interpretations of quantum mechanics the results can be explained in a way that does not violate causality.
    The experiment of Lijun Wang might also show causality violation since it made it possible to send packages of waves through a bulb of caesium gas ( to act as a wormhole) in such a way that the package appeared to exit the bulb 62 nanoseconds before its entry. But a wave package is not a single well-defined object but rather a sum of multiple waves of different frequencies (see Fourier analysis), and the package can appear to move faster than light or even backwards in time even if none of the pure waves in the sum do so. This effect cannot be used to send any matter, energy, or information faster than light, so this experiment is understood not to violate causality either.
    The physicists Günter Nimtz and Alfons Stahlhofen, of the University of Koblenz, claim to have violated Einstein's theory of relativity by transmitting photons faster than the speed of light. They say they have conducted an experiment in which microwave photons travelled "instantaneously" between a pair of prisms that had been moved up to 3 ft (0.91 m) apart, using a phenomenon known as quantum tunneling. Nimtz told New Scientist magazine: "For the time being, this is the only violation of special relativity that I know of." However, other physicists say that this phenomenon does not allow information to be transmitted faster than light. Aephraim Steinberg, a quantum optics expert at the University of Toronto, Canada, uses the analogy of a train traveling from Chicago to New York, but dropping off train cars at each station along the way, so that the center of the train moves forward at each stop; in this way, the speed of the center of the train exceeds the speed of any of the individual cars.
    Some physicists have performed experiments that attempted to show causality violations, but so far without success. The "Space-time Twisting by Light" (STL) experiment run by physicist Ronald Mallett attempts to observe a violation of causality when a neutron is passed through a circle made up of a laser whose path has been twisted by passing it through a photonic crystal. Mallett has some physical arguments that suggest that closed time like curves would become possible through the center of a laser that has been twisted into a loop. However, other physicists dispute his arguments.
    Shengwang Du claims in a peer-reviewed journal to have observed single photons' precursors, saying that they travel no faster than c in a vacuum. His experiment involved slow light as well as passing light through a vacuum. He generated two single photons, passing one through rubidium atoms that had been cooled with a laser (thus slowing the light) and passing one through a vacuum. Both times, apparently, the precursors preceded the photons' main bodies, and the precursor travelled at c in a vacuum. According to Du, this implies that there is no possibility of light traveling faster than c (and, thus, violating causality). Some members of the media took this as an indication of proof that time travel was impossible.
Non-physics-based experiments
    Several experiments have been carried out to try to entice future humans, who might invent time travel technology, to come back and demonstrate it to people of the present time. Events such as Perth's Destination Day (2005) or MIT's Time Traveler Convention heavily publicized permanent "advertisements" of a meeting time and place for future time travelers to meet. Back in 1982, a group in Baltimore, MD., identifying itself as the Krononauts, hosted an event of this type welcoming visitors from the future. These experiments only stood the possibility of generating a positive result demonstrating the existence of time travel, but have failed so far—no time travelers are known to have attended either event. It is hypothetically possible that future humans have travelled back in time, but have travelled back to the meeting time and place in a parallel universe.
    Another factor is that for all the time travel devices considered under current physics (such as those that operate using wormholes), it is impossible to travel back to before the time machine was actually made.












There's no such thing as gravity?


     Even Einstein stated it once shown here ‘There’s no such thing as gravity”.  If there is - what is it?


THE POPCORN UNIVERSE and what scientists don’t know about the universe and its here avialable for a new view about space. Physics argues that universe exist relative to an expanding bubble or balloon discovered in Hubble Theory.  Albert Einstein and others rely mostly on the conclusion all matter resides inside this bubble. On the other hand...Rod Kawecki has developed a new theory but with the conclusion that all matter and life which also includes a black hole seed explained in this story matter and life exists outside the bubble and explains why..................


   The universe is made up of massive galaxies of different origins. There are no large broken pieces or chunks maximized as solid masses but only galaxies making up different chemistry substances planets, stars and gaseous type clusters and all different in some way possibly meaning they all are embryuses of a different growing seed. One does not need to go into the theory of gravitationally collapsed objects or the evidence we have today, some impressive, some less convincing, for black holes: one of some ten solar masses in the constellation Cygnus; others in the range of a hundred or a thousand solar masses at the centers of five of the star clusters in our galaxy; one about four million times as massive as the sun at the center of the Milky Way; and one with a mass of about five billion suns in the center of the galaxy M87.


      How such a stellar BH? (cosmic seed) could grow by 6-7 orders of magnitude in mass, in few hundred million years, is another daunting task given the limits on accretion. The idea, that a set of very specific physical conditions found only in the early Universe, In this study we refer to a black hole with mass > 106M? as super massive.


     Explaining the first super massive black holes could have allowed for the formation of massive seed black holes with masses in the range of 104-5 M, could be a potential solution to this problem as the seed would now need to grow by only 3–4 orders of magnitude in mass to attain super massive scales. Direct collapse (DC) channel of forming massive seed black holes aim of this is to understand the plausibility of the set of physical conditions required for direct collapse and its impact on the evolution of the first galaxies.

     A nick name theory addressed in The Quanta Physics Theory applauds a new theory that besides the big bang theory the universe was formed by the multiple collapse of the earliest spheres as in the result of a black hole explanation here and nick named “The Popcorn Universe Theory” and which addresses the probability that matter manifested through the brethrens three-dimensional generalization surface of a rubber balloon as prehistoric spheres (seeds) called ‘embryus’ procured out of the fabric surface mass not as a single bang as in the big bang theory expalins but as in an multiple entre of young spheres that manifested later exploded into the existing galaxies saw today the beginning entre point from over 14.8 billion years ago.   Each bang is a galaxy by itself. The emphasis is on understanding how frequently do the conditions required for DC occur at z > 6 and not on the actual formation process itself occurs it’s more analogical to understand that the early prehistoric universe was by the independent formation of the galaxies forming and not as a singularity theory.

    The birth of the Milky Way comes from the measurable collapse mass of a gigantic black hole one with a mass of about five billion suns as the one in the center of the galaxy M87  is  evidence from relativity that the galaxy is the aftermath of a massive collapsed deity. (Embryus) Black holes what are they? Where do they come from? And what is their origin? To some it is thought to be what is called The Big Gun a portal where matter arrived through the fabric of space the manifestation of the cosmic egg to some. There exists no evidence on which way the black hole is spinning whether inwards or outwards.  Assumed to come from a galactic collapse the portal is assuming matter and energy towards it and not away from it. A collapse followed by a bang allows matter to be formed creating dense matter.

    A body's mass also determines the degree to which it generates or is affected by a gravitational field. If a first body of mass mA is placed at a distance r (center of mass to center of mass) from a second body of mass mB, each body experiences an attractive force Fg = GmAmB/r2, where G = 6.67×10−11 N kg−2 m2 is the "universal gravitational constant" that all matter is limited by the speed of light even if it is mass and not light is the mathematical assumption. This is sometimes referred to as gravitational mass. The problem with relativity is the assumptions it makes. It mathematically determines a sum from separate masses it calculates based on E=mc2. The problem there is no way to physically test these sums. The reason I say this is because an objects mass has two elements as a material matter deity. One is its chemistry that defines its nature and secondly the energy equal to its mass as a material element or substance. If the object is accelerated its mass changes raising the sum of its energy but not its solidity as a piece of mass. For instance an orange is an orange before it is thought as a generated energy of a define substance. We observe matter as masses and energy that might well be the facts but - whether adding speed to the mass increases its eternal energy as a solid is still un-determined. The effect of energy traveling through a gravity field always is changing as it travels. There is no real way to measure this effect of momentum. In any effect we would be trying to measure the change of energy as it moves which is said to be an impossible task. For these reasons the basis of theoretical physics is undetermined as a science so it’s a theory. In any event a moving mass its weight its mass its energy can not actually be measured. Our orange travels through space which is measured to having zero energy detectable in its area mass. Yet relativity raises the energy content of the mass. In affect accelerating a mass or object is not changing its physical mass or its energy especially in a zero point field - it is being pushed in the same way the galaxies are being pushed due to the expansion of the field. The orange are ship is being pushed by a propulsion force that doesn't change its physical content or its energy it just pushes it through space. Any change in its physical nature cannot be determined unless it is pushed into something in its path some field deterrent no matter what that changes its straight line of direction.

  The question here is why acceleration affects the energy content especially only the energy content of a mass that is of its own nature and origin. Why does an object slow during acceleration when it travels through the earth’s gravity intent? Is it its weight or energy that is affected? This notoriety has never been changed in physics. Weight or energy?  Or both or nether? Rod Kawecki has open the door way to this phenomena. In his book he opens the doorway in Isaac Newton's theory on gravity and attraction. He has opened a new view for the theory of gravitation that fills pieces never answered earlier in the century. Science can be slowed from advancing when looking at something in the wrong way. Kawecki has reviewed the facts that lay upon the affects gravity has or is there no such thing as gravity?





by: Rodney Kawecki


The Quanta Physics reinvented  Basis for Relativity Theory
    Einstein published two papers. In one he invented a new method of counting and determining the size of the atoms or molecules in a given space and in the other he explains the phenomenon of Brownian motion. The net result was a proof that atoms actually exist - still an issue at that time - and the end to a millennia-old debate on the fundamental nature of the chemical elements.
    Then, in June 1914, Einstein completed special relativity – where he added a twist to the story: Einstein's March paper treated light as particles, but special relativity sees light as a continuous field of waves reaching out yet limited by velocity. Such a contradiction took a supremely confident mind to propose. Einstein, at age 26, saw light as wave and particle, picking the attribute he needed to confront each problem in his theories.
   Einstein’s finish came in 1905 came as an extension of special relativity in which Einstein proved that energy and matter are linked in the most famous relationship in physics: E=mc²
  In the joining of the two theories Einstein continued his special theory of relativity by imagining riding on a beam of light. In all three cases he wasn’t able to explain why matter that is bound as a mass at rest these particles have little to net weight showing it as a hollow phenomenon? Whereas it is energy that contradicts the charge that forms the solidness in the element material it is little compared with a mass within an energy field then away from it.
   Einstein's imaginary star ship based on the limitations in light as a universal link between everything existing in the universe seems to be energy - the further away the mass the less force is needed to accelerate the closer inertia gravitation energy the greater the force.
    In general relativity Einstein shows that matter and energy actually mold the shape of space and the flow of time is what we feel as the 'force' of gravity is simply the sensation of following the shortest path we can through curved, four-dimensional space-time. It was a radical vision: space is no longer the box the universe comes in; instead, space and time, matter and energy are, as Einstein proves, locked together in the most intimate embrace.
   The problem with these theories he explains it is only that this is the manner of which things seem to us as a species. The big bang event shows how these stimulations of a universe is in a box - exploded and now exist away from being locked together. Space has yet to be defined as a common energy so called Dark Gravity separate from dark energy. The sensation of the shortest path actually now can accelerate from zero.
   The idea that the universe is in a bubble confirms with the cosmological constant that space expansion contradicts. Life in a bubble based on a origin theory expanding from nothing - we know doesn’t exist yet outside the bubble the bubble is expanding into as a runaway universe scatters the galaxies and makes the universe a lot bigger than originally thought a hundred years ago.

      Rodney Kawecki was born in the United States and has ventured into the studies of advance physics for the shear purpose to study physics with an open mind. Reading from  “The Special Theory of Relativity” Einstein translates for his advance physics doctrine an imaginary space ship of light from which he states ” I wonder what it would be like if I could ride on top of a beam of light " to explain his ideas. His doctori opened physics into the field of science fiction. The idea now according to Rod Kawecki is to try and re-define the barriers he published as a serious study for modern physics from science fiction back again into a serious fiction literature.


    What modern physics refuses to include in the known theories is how imitate of an expanding universe might include a future end for it. In all likelihood subjects look at modern physics from the point and view of a big bang event that started the universe in the first three minutes studying deploys and likelihood of any end.  In 1998 a seven point four earthquake erupted southern California showing over thirty thousand people driving away from it never to return. It showed on the media news people driving over the Bakersfield north bound freeway pass cars bundled traveling out of Los Angeles. There were also those whom never saw the news casting broadcast so never decided on their own or amongst themselves during the crisis whether leaving California might be a good option so most never left the city.


     The study of modern physics is to be conscious and well rehearsed about what your studying addressing the fundamental ideas of the subject. The future of planetary studying also includes the future reference frame of its technology and its affects pointing or predictions in the future.  As a species and with the new technologies available today it is not just making predictions about what might or might not happen in earths future cosmogony it also should include to which lengths the predictions are heading that we should inquire what might be prepared. It is Rod Kawecki’s belief when the media changes in earth’s future technology and information at the cosmogony level will heighten to a scale which traffic jams traveling to colony’s across the solar system might be a great invitation for its future.  In any study in any event of the present technology over time having decay it might be important to prepare a means to escape. It might just change the whole world – as we know it.  Scientist believe that we have reached the half-life mark of the universe’s end I think its important the direction life is taking us that a super planetary power is recognized.


     Using this imaginary ship made of light Einstein tries to explain how all mass deities are physically related to energy as a form of communication and light quanta’ vibrations and packet waves that can be used to send messages across great distances through an empty equilibrium space field element or even as a clouded gravity energy field or even to the moon for that matter – he proposes that LIGHT and the speed of the message stays the same it doesn’t change conserved by its own quantity and nature - reality or mass on the other hand well - isn’t  conformed to these same rules or speed limit because it doesn’t travel due to any pre-set velocity.




     What are we talking about when we speak about modern physics? It is the study and mathematical deciphering the mechanics the universe as we call it works. The way it theoretically originated and possibility the manner to which it might end.  What modern physics leaves out from the equation about the universe is its finale end. In this book I try and bring all these questions about our universe to a head you might say how it began and the future and manner through our journey of the cosmos.
     Not known in other literature our universe extends as a circle with an inflating flow of pressure. What this pressure exist of or its origin is still unknown to the scientific community.  Some call it dark energy but in any case this bubble as some call it – extends outwards filled with some liquid type element of some sort. Most scientists believe after Erwin Hubble discovered that the universe was physically expanding all matter or life in the cosmos exist inside this round dome shape balloon. According to Albert Einstein in 1905 it was his analogy that all planetary matter which includes galactic islands exist orbiting on a flatland surface. Its hard to calculate that if matter resides inside this bubble sphere that its surface lays on the inside of it. In such a definition all planetary matter resides orbiting upside down as it clings to the surfaced flatland from the inside.
     In 2015 Rodney Kawecki went further into the research about the Hubble Bubble Theory and decided that all planetary matter galactic origin since everything of debris is made in galactic realms that if the universe resides settled on the surface of this so called bubble surface we must reside on its outer surface not its inside curvature. In any degree String illustrates space curvature in ways that space curvature is as well curved in a manner simultaneous to its outer surface. In this manner of origin of the universe and core surface observed by the outside surface the bubble itself is filled with some alien element yet to be detected. But when we concentrate on the factual basis that we are confronted with an inflationary fill of an expanding bubble comoving and pushing galaxies scattering them apart from each other at speeds faster than light we have to observe the comoving activity at the final balloon surface edge of the fabric.  Since the galaxies lay outside the bubble surface alignment in a shaped axis or curvature of the flatland surface edge as a whole we observe galaxies scattered by extreme momentum as the bubble inflates is what makes the galaxies spread apart on its curved surface.  As the bubble continues to inflate it is not the matter that is being attracted towards the balloon surface but the inflation of the bubble that holds the galaxies in a curved position of its shaped axis or shaped curved surface edge matter sinks into the bubble outside space curvature because of the dense pushing force of the inflating bubble.
     We look at all this new information about our expanding universe expanding planetary and galactic matter spheres and debris it is all expanding at a specific rate of velocity.  Towards the center of the bubble’s mass more deeper inside it the dense area seeable three dimensional mass resides the most dense space area mass where outwards to the bubbles fabric end where the galaxies lay outside its origin it is the filling bubble energy debris is what holds the universe final future hours. What will happen to universe debris after the bubble ceases to inflate, stretch into a ripping of the fabric, explode, implode or shrink are the universe’s final questionnaire of what it might shape into if such events would to occur.
     Professor Rodney Kawecki’s unique views in this book and others published by him could result and change the way physicists imagine the origin of the universe in the future.